Our days are crammed full of Justin working and the baby and me running all around Birmingham all the time. We are so lucky to have such an easy going adventurous baby because she really makes it easy for us to go here and there. She loves people watching so much and is so observant of her surroundings that she is so amazed with everyone and everything.
Our angel turned 4 months old yesterday! We just can not believe how big she is getting! We go back to the Doctor next week for her 4 month check-up and we can not wait, besides little one having to get yucky shots!
Here is a list of things she is doing right now:
Holds her head up 100% on her own
Sits up by herself for 1-2 minutes, almost there
Holds on to toys & can take her pacifier in and out of her mouth by herself
Tracks everything
Responds when you say her name (by trying to find who said it)
Talks very loud, sometimes sounds like yelling, haha
Blow raspberries
Teething but no signs of a tooth yet
Getting interested in toys
Activity gym and jumperoo
Laughing and smiling
Bath time
Cuddling with Mommy
Music and when people sing to her
Being thrown in the air or bouncing on your knees
Playing Peek-a-Boo
Loves her pink lovie aka "Miss Piggy"
Her birdie blankie
Eating & Sleeping Habits:
Drinks 8 ounces 4 times a day
Sleeps 11 hours at night
Naps whenever she feels like it during the day
Starting solids this month
Overall we have a healthy happy baby and she is so silly and makes us laugh all the time. We love her more than anything!
A funny thing she does all the time is she looks at this light in our little den off of our kitchen which has become her area. For the longest time we were convinced that she had a ghost friend and still might by the way. She looks in the direction of the light all day everyday and gets so excited. She will smile, talk, and laugh out loud while looking up in the direction of the light and then will hide her face, like she is being shy, and then the routine starts all over again. It is the funniest thing. After months of her doing this we decided to do a test to see if it really was the light since we have the same light covers throughout our whole house. So the other night Justin walked around holding Mary-Ross in the air up close to all of the lights that look just like the one she laughs at all the time. After doing this she did smile but never got the full response she does to the one in the den. So we still are not positive if it is the light or a friendly ghost. We are hoping to catch her doing this on video sometime soon so we can share this with everyone because it is hilarious. If only we knew what was going through that little baby mind.
Other updates and fun things we are doing:
We have a family photo shoot coming up in a few weeks and so I will have some great pictures of little to share soon.
I bought a sewing machine and I am going to teach myself to sew along with going to some sewing classes. I am also going to a photography workshop to learn more about my camera Justin bought me for Mother's Day.
Mary-Ross and I go to Kindermusik every Monday and we have having a great time meeting new friends and doing this fun mommy and me activity.
Justin is all excited because football is in full swing and he has season tickets to Alabama games so he is enjoying that. We are getting to go to 2 Auburn games this year as well. :)
That is all we have to share at the moment but more updates coming soon!