Monday, May 30, 2011

She is here! She is here!

Where to begin on our exciting of Mary-Ross arriving? I"m not quite sure but here it is! Everyone hears all of there friends and families stories and experiences they had when they had there baby. So after talking with everyone I thought I had a general idea of how things would go for me. I should have known though that I am different than everyone else. Nothing usually goes how they should for me when it comes to medications and such. I either handle medicine very well and my body gets too much of it or my body rejects it all together! Well that is what happened to me during my laboring process.

I started things off on a good start Wednesday night when they began the induction process. Then when it came time to break my water everything went smoothly and I was progressing really fast. When I finally decided to take the medication to ease the contractions I thought WHEW it is going to be a breeze now. I made it through some contractions and now I am ready to be pain free! Well that is where I messed up. My hopes were set to high and things started to go down hill. Unfortunately, the pain medication did not work on me so after 2 doses and lots of pain and suffering my Doctor broke the good news that I could go ahead and get my epidural! Those were the magic words! WHEW I thought again the pain is over and it is time to get this baby here! Well thankfully the pain went away but then I had forgotten how my body responds to anesthesia and it makes me severely cold feeling even though I am not so I was convulsing from that and then I began to feel like I couldn't swallow, cough, or even talk. I was not doing much talking at all Thursday morning anyways which we all know is rare for me but after all the pain I had been feeling from the contractions I had to focus on my breathing for Mary-Ross' sake because she kept having moments of distress and I wasn't too keen on the idea of having a c-section. So my wonderful husband helped me through them. We had a little drama with the anesthesiologist as well since he did not show up to do my epidural for almost 30 minutes and I was having contractions 1 minute apart with no pain relief. Talk about traumatizing! So after all that he ended up giving me too much and it caused the epidural to rise into my throat which was causing me to feel paralyzed and not be able to breathe. Well because I could not breathe neither could baby so they had to give me oxygen. Finally after we got all that adjusted my Doctor gave us the go ahead to start pushing. We found out that Mary-Ross was face up instead of face down which was causing the pushing process to go slower and it was more difficult. I pushed for 2 hours and luckily she was out. Justin, my mom, and my mother in law where all in there helping me out. I was so exhausted from all the contractions I had felt earlier plus pushing for 2 hours will wear a girl out. Our angel weighed 7 pounds 2 ounces and was 21 inches long. She is so perfect in our eyes. ;) We could not have asked for a more perfect little angel! It has been an adventure so far but we have only been home 2 whole days and 2 nights so far.  We have a lot to adjust and get into the routine of it all but I know we will get there and we are just trying to have fun with it all. I know we have already laughed so much since we have been home with all the crazy things that have happened. We have many more laughs and experiences in our future.

So all is well at the Rolling household and continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers! Here are some pictures of our little girl!

                                                        Our first family photo

                                                      Our sweet angel

                                       Justin, Mary-Ross, Landry, and Scooter

Monday, May 23, 2011

The BIG Update!

So I went to my 39 week and 2 days appointment this morning and got the wonderful news that I will be checking into the hospital on Wednesday night at 8:00 p.m. to start the induction process. So Mary-Ross will be welcomed into the world no later than some time on Thursday! My Doctor said it is still a possibility I could go into labor on my own but I do not think that will happen. I was still not dilated at all and so I think I am one of those people who need medication to help me! My sister was the same way with Ashlyn Kay so I am hoping that is what will happen with me! If not then I will just have a c-section! My Doctor was surprised that Mary-Ross was not bigger than she is measuring to be at the moment but the measurements are not always correct. It could be more or less. Right now she is measuring at 7 lbs. 11 ounces. This is a perfect weight in my eyes so hopefully she will be about that size! We are just so happy to  know she will be here by the weekend! It is really funny because out of Justin's group of friends only two of them have children and Mary-Ross will be the third. And all three of them are girls and all three of them will have been born in the same week! How cool is that?!?! Caroline Stubblefield who belongs to Kris and Amy Stubblefield is the oldest and she will be two on the 26th which is the day Mary-Ross is scheduled to get here! And then Landry Crutcher who belongs to Scooter and Amy Crutcher will be one on the 28th which was Mary-Ross's due date! I think it is so neat that all of us had or will be having our children on the same week! We are hoping to be able to plan a fun family function for all of our girls in the years to come to celebrate there birthdays and give us a reason to all get together! I just wish Caroline was in the same town as Landry and Mary-Ross so they would all be best buddies!

So, I will be updating the blog after Mary-Ross arrives with all the details and pictures! Next blog we will have a baby! YAY!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Another week come and gone

As we end another week in May the most exciting week ever approaches! Assuming that I am not going to go into labor tonight or tomorrow we will be going into my 40th week of my pregnancy. Many of us thought our little one would have decided to come on her own before now but since she has not it looks like I will be getting induced this week. I better be anyways. :) I have enjoyed my week of not having to be up at a certain time even though I have found myself still be an early riser with the exception of one or two mornings this week. I have been keeping the house very clean and doing all the laundry. All the chores of a stay at home mom/wife. :)

Justin took another part of the CPA Exam on Wednesday morning and we are hoping for another PASS! We still have not heard from the last part he took but hopefully it will be in soon! So that is three parts of the CPA Exam down! One Pass and two unknown as of the moment. He is going to take a break from studying for a few weeks before he starts back to finish up the last parts. We are praying very hard that he does not have to re-take any of the parts.

Justin and I went to a movie Friday night and had a great time like always. I am hoping that was our last movie we could see without getting a babysitter. I know that seems strange but I am so ready for this baby to be here!

So we have one more day until our Doctor's appointment to see if anything happens. I highly doubt it but who knows! If not then we are scheduled to go to the Doctor at 9:30 for an ultrasound to measure the baby and then we will see the Doctor. So I am hoping that my next blog will be updating everyone that we are checking into the hospital to have a baby! But, it could also be about how I am going to start thinking of ways to deliver this baby myself! Let's hope it's the first and not the second! :)

And, one last update! My little sweet angel Blakely is in the hospital due to bronchiolitis. They were admitted this morning and will definitely be staying tonight and possibly more nights. Her sats have been better since she has been at the hospital but she has been running a fever and is still having trouble breathing. They will continue to monitor her and give her breathing treatments. Palmer is starting to show signs that she might need to be admitted as well. Bronchiolitis is only contagious if you come into contact with the person's salvia or snot and you ingest it. So it is very possible little Palmsicle has it as well since they slobber all over everything of each other's all the time. We need to keep both of these babies in our prayers so they can get better! Not to mention Palmer is already scheduled to get tubes in her ears early Tuesday morning. So my family is being pulled in a million directions at the moment!

Until next time......

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Another False Alarm

After coming home from the Doctor yesterday I started noticing that I was not feeling that great! I decided t just take it easy yesterday afternoon and laid around watching T.V. . After relaxing all afternoon I started noticing some contractions. My Doctor had said that I was having mild irregular contractions at my appointment yesterday but I never felt those. These I knew were contractions. So I started doing everything they tell you to do to make sure they are not Braxton Hicks. I took Tylenol, got in a hot shower, laid on my left side, changed positions every time I felt one to see if they went away or got more intense. And nothing was easing up the contractions. They were actually getting worse. I was having a hard time timing them though so I wasn't really sure how far apart they were. So after this went on for more than 2 hours I decided to call the after hours line because they were getting more and more intense! After talking with the nurse she told me to repeat all of the things I had done before to see if they made them subside and they did not and she said I really needed to try to time them so she could make the decision whether or not to send me to the hospital. So I tried to focus and started timing them and they were consistently 7 minutes apart for over an hour and were getting more and more intense as time went on. So I called the nurse back again to report to her what I had been going on. She then said are your bags packed and I said yes they are, and she said ok well then it's time to go to the hospital! So Justin and I loaded up and made our way to St. Vincent's. On the car ride there I started noticing that the contractions were not coming as frequently as they had been just a few minutes before. Then the intensity of the contractions began to die down as well. Once we went into the hospital they checked us in and took me into the triage room to check me and hook me up to the monitor to monitor the contractions and the baby. She checked me and let me know the sad news that I was not dilated but that I was starting to thin out a bit. Then we started seeing that the contractions were not very intense and that they were very irregular. So after they monitored me for an hour they checked me again to find I was not dilated still but that I had thinned out even more since the first time she checked me. They monitored me again for another 45 minutes and my contractions did start to pick back up a bit but were still too irregular for me to stay. So they sent us home after 12:15. It was such a let down! I could not believe after everything I had been feeling at home for over 3 hours was nothing! I felt so silly and crazy. I know they tell you that it is ok and that this is very normal but I still do not like it! I just hate crying wolf! If you know me very well you know that I usually do not over react about pain or how I am feeling. So I hate the feeling of well you might have been feeling like that earlier but it was nothing!! UGH! The body is so strange and it is very frustrating! So I guess we will see how it goes!

Until next time.....

Monday, May 16, 2011

38 weeks and 2 days...

I went in for my routine weekly check-up this morning hoping for something positive but left still not knowing when our angel will get here. I just knew something would have progressed since I was there Thursday but not so much. They repeated the stress test from Thursday and everything looked good. My Doctor came in and said it looks like you are having some contractions, do you not feel those? I was like uhh nope! I could not believe it because I was not experiencing anything like I had on Thursday and I would have bet anyone I was having contractions last Thursday! So strange! But, I am not surprised because my body is so strange anyways. So after that we went in to get my exam done and unfortunately I had not dilated or made any other progress. She still said that she is very low. So maybe my contractions will continue and get stronger throughout the day/ days and cause something to happen! I am praying hard that my water breaks on it's on this week! So she told me is I do not go into labor on my own before Monday then I am scheduled to come in at 9:30 for an ultrasound to measure the baby and then we will discuss the results with my Doctor. Depending on what she is measuring will determine whether or not she will induce me next week. So I will just continue to walk everyday and pray that things will happen on there on but if not then I will be praying that I will get induced one day next week! So we will see! I was very upset after my appointment because I am just so exhausted! Not to mention I am having other things going on that are a little too much to blog about! I am just over feeling this way. My main annoyance that also gives me anxiety is how I can not breathe! UGH! I know everyone thinks oh she only has another week or two at the most. How bad can it be? It is all so worth it! Well yes it is all so worth it in the end but I am just so tired and miserable right now that one day feels like an eternity and it is hard to see past the next hour! But, I know I will make it but I can whine and complain if I want to! :)

Until next time....

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Am I going CRAZYYY???

Unfortunately, when we went in on Monday for our routine visit we got the depressing news that I was still not dilated or anything. The only change is that she was a bit lower than the week before. I was so upset because after being very active all weekend I just knew something would be going on down there. But, nothing was. So after being depressed all day and sad I finally started to perk back up the next day. I had not slept well since the Tuesday night before and so we all know how your emotions can be crazy when you are running on only a few hours of sleep. So after getting over the depression I started coming to terms that this baby was not going to be here until the week of my due date and that I needed to except it and move on. So that is what I did. I actually slept well that Monday night for the first time in over a week. Then on Wednesday night I woke up around 11:30 and went to the bathroom and then tried to go back to sleep but I could not sleep for anything. So I decided to get on the couch so I would not wake up Justin. After getting on the couch I started feeling very strange and realized that I thought I might be having some sort of contractions. I noticed I was getting an extreme pushing sensation and when that was happening my stomach was rock hard and I could not breathe. So this continued on for hours. You read all these labor signs and your Doctor tells you all the signs to watch for but you are just never sure if that is what you are truly feeling. So after a long long night I finally fell asleep for an hour or so before I had to get up to get ready for work. So after consulting with Justin, my sister, and mother-in-law I decided to call the Doctor even though all my symptoms had stopped. They told me that since they had stopped that everything was fine and gave me some tips on things to do if this happened again and the Doctor's office was closed. They offered to let me come in but I declined knowing that it was probably just really bad Braxton Hicks. So after being at work for a little bit all my symptoms from the night before started again and a new symptom of shooting pains started as well. So after dealing with this all day I broke down and decided that I thought I needed to be seen to just make sure I was not in true labor. So I went in and saw the on call Doctor and after speaking with the nurse she was convinced that it was a big possibility that I was going to be admitted and having a baby! We started getting excited but trying to not get our hopes up too much! After seeing the Doctor she was convinced as well I was in labor but the only problem was is that I was not dilated! She could not believe it after I had been having all of those symptoms for so long! So she decided to run some more tests, ordered an ultrasound, and decided to monitor me for 30 minutes to see if I was having anymore contractions. So after all the tests everything came back normal and it was determined that I was in false labor! BOOO! I was so sad! But what can you do?!?! So I am scheduled to go back to my routine visit on Monday at 8:30 and hoping for good news! I have a lot to talk with my Doctor on Monday. I am having a lot of concerns and anxiety about all of this and I can not take anymore sleepless nights. Since my episode on Thursday I have pretty much felt back to normal. I slept great for the first time on Thursday night. Friday night I again had a sleepless night due to back pain. So I am praying, hoping, and wishing my little one will decide to come soon. Like i said before i am having a lot of anxiety about having to have a c-section and that my angel is going to be too big! I just know all the horror stories and do not want them to happen to me. I hate not having 100% control of this situation and that is what is making me so anxious. So I can not wait until Monday to sit down and express all of my concerns with my Doctor. I hope she eases my mind and will come up with a plan for me that involves this baby coming soon!


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend and A Baby Shower

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I know my family did. My parents came into town on Friday for the weekend and so that is always a pleasure! My family had a very busy weekend planned. We had lots of things on our agenda for the weekend! Saturday morning we had planned for all the girls to go to Pepper Place downtown Birmingham, which is a farmer's market and they have arts and crafts. It is a really fun thing to do on Saturday mornings! They have so many locally grown and made foods! YUM! My dad and Justin would be playing in the Pi Kapp Alumni Golf Tournament at Timberline. Yes, we know Justin is not a Pi Kapp but my father was at Troy and the person in charge of the tournament was our great friend Brad Calametti and had asked Justin to play on the same team as my Dad. Then Saturday around lunch time I planned on eating lunch with my two dear friends Mary Calametti and Niki Hayden in Alabaster. Then Saturday night Justin's boss Matthew Lemak and his wife Kathryn hosted a baby shower for us. Then Sunday was of course Mother's Day and the twins had there baby dedication at there church! So as you can see our family had lots to do this weekend! Luckily we got to do everything we had planned and had so much fun at all of our functions!

The baby shower was a success and we are so thankful for the Lemaks for doing this for us. It was so nice and such a fun shower. Mary-Ross racked up once again and got so many nice things! We got a lot of the things we still needed. So it is safe to say Mary-Ross officially has everything she will need for her first few months of life! :) So now all we really need is for her to get here so we can start using all of this stuff! Haha. Thank you to all our friends who were able to come out to the shower! We so appreciate it!

Mother's Day has been wonderful as well and we were so thankful to be able to spend time with out family and celebrate with all the mothers in our family. Sadly we did not get to spend today with Vicki, Justin's mother because they were off at the Kentucky Derby for the weekend! We missed you and Wayne so much! But, we love you so much and appreciate everything you have done for us! I was not only able to spend today with my mother but I was able to spend it with my Meme as well. So I was so happy everyone was able to come over to our house for lunch today. The twins baby dedication went well and they were precious!

So as you can see our weekend was great! The only thing that could have made this weekend better was if I had not been so severely tired! Unfortunately the miserable days of late pregnancy have set in and I have truly not slept well since last Wednesday night when I awoke at 2:30 and never made it back to sleep! I have not had more than 2 hours of sleep each night since and for some reason still waking up at 5:30 all bright eyed and busy tailed! But today my body and eyes are officially on the verge of severe sleep deprivation! So I have been fighting a nap all day today with the hopes of being so exhausted by night time that I am just going to fall out asleep and sleep until time to get up to get ready for my Doctor's appointment in the morning. So we will see! Not only am I tired but I have officially started to swell! I have been very lucky so far and have not had swollen hands or feet but that went out the window on Saturday and my hands and feet have decided to stay that way! I am taking it as a good sign that my body is preparing for labor! Maybe?!?! Who knows but that's what I am telling myself, OK? :) So this is my last week of work before maternity leave so I am hoping with a full week of work ahead that maybe it will help me go into labor! I know this is what everyone always hopes but this is all I can do in this waiting game they make you do! I would rather be Positive Peggy than Negative Nancy! But, I will say that I do hope she does NOT decide to make her appearance this Friday since it is going to be FRIDAY THE 13TH! AHHHH! I don't want any bad luck/ omens! :)

So stay tuned people for a Doctor update tomorrow! Everyone pray for something to be going on down there! Hehe.

Until next time folks.....