Monday, May 16, 2011

38 weeks and 2 days...

I went in for my routine weekly check-up this morning hoping for something positive but left still not knowing when our angel will get here. I just knew something would have progressed since I was there Thursday but not so much. They repeated the stress test from Thursday and everything looked good. My Doctor came in and said it looks like you are having some contractions, do you not feel those? I was like uhh nope! I could not believe it because I was not experiencing anything like I had on Thursday and I would have bet anyone I was having contractions last Thursday! So strange! But, I am not surprised because my body is so strange anyways. So after that we went in to get my exam done and unfortunately I had not dilated or made any other progress. She still said that she is very low. So maybe my contractions will continue and get stronger throughout the day/ days and cause something to happen! I am praying hard that my water breaks on it's on this week! So she told me is I do not go into labor on my own before Monday then I am scheduled to come in at 9:30 for an ultrasound to measure the baby and then we will discuss the results with my Doctor. Depending on what she is measuring will determine whether or not she will induce me next week. So I will just continue to walk everyday and pray that things will happen on there on but if not then I will be praying that I will get induced one day next week! So we will see! I was very upset after my appointment because I am just so exhausted! Not to mention I am having other things going on that are a little too much to blog about! I am just over feeling this way. My main annoyance that also gives me anxiety is how I can not breathe! UGH! I know everyone thinks oh she only has another week or two at the most. How bad can it be? It is all so worth it! Well yes it is all so worth it in the end but I am just so tired and miserable right now that one day feels like an eternity and it is hard to see past the next hour! But, I know I will make it but I can whine and complain if I want to! :)

Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. Everything will go just fine...I have a sticky suspicion that from the way things HAVEN'T been going for you that one night out of no where you are going to start going into labor and everything is going to happen all at once :) By the way, having sex with your hubby can and will speed up the dilation process...the chemicals in his seman help trigger stuff in your brain to help you get me...:)
