Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What we have been up to lately...

So it has been a long time since my last post. I started a draft a few weeks back but never finished it so I am starting fresh again. So let's see, things have been busy busy since we brought our little one home from the hospital. It has gone by so fast and I can not believe she will be 7 weeks on Thursday! It's nuts people! Our little angel has been going through a little rough patch but we are getting through it! We finally solved her feeding problem so things have been better since then. Now if we can just get better at taking naps during the day, sleeping in our crib, and sleeping through the night all of our dreams would come true! Haha. I know we will get there but it is hard sometimes to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We have a very hungry baby on our hands! She is eating 6 ounces now and sometimes wants more. I'm not exactly sure how much she weighs right now but I am definitely thinking at least 9 lbs. maybe more. Our next Doctor's visit is not until August so we will have to wait until then to know for sure.

Here are some of my favorite pictures I have taken in the past few weeks.

Happy One Month to me!

I LOVE sleeping with my hands close to me face.  :)

My first time at the pool. I'm making a silly face for the camera.

Holding on tight to Miss Piggy, MR's favorite.

Enjoying a warm bath. My absolute favorite thing to do!!

These pictures are just a few of my favorites I have taken of her lately. She is growing so fast! She is really starting to chunk up now. 

We have a lot of exciting things starting this weekend! Ashlyn Kay is turning 3 on Friday! I can not believe she is already 3! She is such a big girl now and is pure entertainment. It is never a dull moment when AK is around. We have her birthday party on Saturday. She is a having a pool party and it is Dora the Explorer themed. She has literally been planning and talking about her birthday since January and she is beside herself that it is finally here. It is so funny to hear her talk about it. Then on Sunday Mom, Mary-Ross and I are packing up and heading to Rosemary Beach for our very first Rolling family vacation as a family of three! Since Justin has to work he is not going to be able to come down until Tuesday sometime. So it will just be the girls for a couple of days! I can not wait to take Mary-Ross to be the beach and get some great pictures. I am sure it will be an adventure! We are staying for a week so I am already trying to start packing all of her stuff up. Babies require so much stuff! Let's just hope it will all fit in my Yukon. Lot of fun times ahead so stay tuned for some pictures! 

Until next time....


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