Thursday, March 10, 2011

28 weeks and 5 days

We went in for our 4 week check-up today and everything went great! We had our 4D ultrasound done but unfortunately our little angel is like her mother and hates having her picture taken. She was sleeping the entire time and had her arm bent right in front of her face! We did manage to get a few good ones of her profile though. Luckily, my Doctor's office offers a free re-do and so at our next appointment on March 21st we will try again. The ultrasound tech told me to drink half of a Mountain Dew before I got to the Doctor's office and then finish the rest of it while waiting to be called back. So hopefully she will be moving all around! She still has not turned but we are hoping by the next appointment she will be head down. I really hope she moves on her own! The position she is in right now she does not have that much farther to go as long as she goes left not right. But besides that they said she looked perfect and she is measuring exactly on time and should weigh around 2.5 lbs. right now. My stomach is measuring exactly as it should as well. The Doctor said that everything looked normal for me as well. I did have a few things to let them know this time. Last Friday night I had my first Braxton Hicks contraction that I really felt and he said that I would probably start feeling those more frequently now. Luckily it only happened once and after drinking water, laying on my left side, and soaking in the tub it went away! I also have been having some dizzy and sick feeling spells for the past two weeks and the Doctor said I am having a hypoglycemic episodes. So he gave me the instructions on what to do when those occur. Hopefully I will not have anymore though. We are looking forward to the next appointment though to see our little girl again. Justin is going to scan in the pictures for me so when he does I will post some on the blog and on facebook. I still need to take some updated pictures of the nursery and post on here for everyone to see. Maybe I can get that done tonight or tomorrow. I will post a new blog after the baby shower on Saturday as well. So excited to see our friends and family!

Until next time.....

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